Sculpture Pictures, Images and Stock photos | Page 2

Royalty-free "sculpture" stock photos, vectors, and illustrations

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Golden Antique Church Window Sculpture

Ancient Golden Religious Sculpture with Heraldry

Venetian Carnival Mask - Artistic Cultural Sculpture

Window of Ancient Cathedral: Artful Mosaic Detail

Desert Temple Sculpture: Ancient Iguana Relic

Sculpted Iguana: Sacred Avatar in Stone

Mystic Iguana: Ancient Attire Conceals Enigmatic Face

Culture's Veiled Reflection: Sculpted Portrait with Covered Face

Masked Dodo: Sculpture of a Revered Cultural Symbol

Sacred Cultural Statue at Temple

Wildlife-inspired dragon sculpture - majestic lizard statue

Artistic Graffito: Sculpted Stencil Decoration

Ancient Cathedral Window with Stone Framework

Ancient religious statue - a timeless monument of history

Bust Sculpture: Artistic Statue with Book Jacket

Captivating Fashion Sculpture: Exquisite Mannequin Persona

Elegant Aristocratic Princess Sculpture Bust

Ancient Religious Sculpture: Historic Newspaper Creation

Stylish Masked Fashion Model: Close-up Portrait with Attire

Expression in Sculpted Mask: Captivating Eyes and Enigmatic Smile

Enigmatic Face: Ethereal Masked Sculpture Depicting Cultural Attire

Sculpted Man in Disguise: Masked Attire

Sculpted Mask: A Multicultural Portrait of Religious Art.

Sculpted Face Mask: A Captivating Artistry of Disguise

Masked Mannequin: Fashionable Face of Disguise

Masked Serenity: Fashionably Veiled Statue Portrait

Artful Disguise: Fashionable Face Mask Sculpture

Bust Sculpture Automaton: Artistic Plaything in Plastic

Black-eyed Comedian in Artistic Mask

Comedian dons elaborate mask for captivating performance

Masked Sculpture: Artistic Face of Disguise and Representation

Ancient Stone Sculpture: Majestic Symbol of Historical Culture.

Ancient Money Sculpture with Stencil Face: A Cultural and Religious Artistic Statue

Ancient Culture Mask Sculpture: A Timeless Disguise of Art.

Primate Mask Sculpture: Ancient Ape Disguise

Gibbon Mask Sculpture: Wild Ape's Primate Expression

Ancient Art Sculpture: Serene Face Statue

Primate Sculpture: Ancient Gibbon Monkey Statue

Ancient Masked Statue: A Cloaked Sculptural Masterpiece

Ancient Cultured Masked Sculpture: An Artistic Religious Portrait

Masked Cat: Artful Disguise Sculpture in Portrait

Ancient Cat Mask Sculpture: Sacred Feline Art in Disguise.

Playful Gibbon Primate Sculpture

Elegant Disguised Sculptured Face

Ancient Currency Sculpture: Riches of Old Architecture